Meet Ineke

Ineke Wikkerink

Ineke Wikkerink, Vivace-ctc

Keywords that characterise Ineke: contemporary, fresh-faced, enthusiastic, flexible, quality, with effect.

Ineke is not afraid to push boundaries in order to maximise others' learning. She is inviting and a good-listening sparring partner, who pursues her goal competently and with humour. With her empathy and talent for getting 'the issues on the table' through dialogue, she knows how to initiate change. In doing so, she always keeps the personal aspect in sight.

In short, Ineke is an excellent trainer who knows how to get people moving.

Activities Ineke Wikkerink, process facilitator, senior trainer/consultant, (team) coach

Period 2012 - 2024

  • Sparring partner various educational development groups, including Avila College and CT Stork in Hengelo
  • Supervising intervision groups at Certe, laboratory organisation North Netherlands
  • Co-designer and executor of a one-and-a-half-year organisational development project at Certe, laboratory organisation North Netherlands:
    • Leadership programme for around 70 participants
    • Development programme for around 1,000 employees
    • Learning forms: training, coaching, peer learning, buddy learning, work conferences
  • Thinker, trainer and coach in professionalising LC/LD teachers at VO schools: Regius College, AOC Oost Borculo and Avila College Hengelo
  • Supervising various intervision groups at Het Gilde College in Hengelo and Het Noordik in Vriezenveen. Linked to this, implementing a train-the-trainer programme.
  • Project leader, co-designer and implementer of a two-year MD programme for managers Carinova, a home care organisation in Deventer. Involves Board of Directors, management, about 130 managers and coordinators. Learning forms: training, coaching, intervision, buddy learning, work conferences.
  • Project leader, designer and implementer of a two-year 'Coaching Leadership' programme for teachers and team leaders. Participation: over 100 employees. Member of the think tank. Learning forms: training, intervisional work and coaching.
  • Process supervisor for the merger of two treatment services of Carinova, Deventer
    • Co-designer and executor of a one-year organisational development project within Carinova, Raalte
    • Training middle management
    • Training management
    • Organising and conducting joint meetings
    • Think tank member
  • Process facilitator for long-term 'hassles' within various teams, particularly in education and healthcare
  • Conducting the Socratic conversation in various organisations: inquisitive speaking from dialogue
  • Supervision/coaching of employees, managers, directors and teams from various sectors as well as coaching on the job
    • Education: primary education, all forms of secondary education and hbo
    • Residential and home care
    • Welfare
    • GGD
    • ICT
    • Accountancy
    • Laboratories
  • Designer and implementer of various training courses: Just a Good Conversation, Holding on to Change, Giving and Receiving Feedback Training


  • Published as part of 'Hassle' in teams
  • Directional innovation in VO: how to do it?

Both articles can be found under 'Knowledge' on this website.


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Ineke Wikkerink
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