Coaching for executives

We are regularly asked for executive coaching. We distinguish in this:

  • Novice managers: see further information under coaching general
  • Experienced executives, directors of organisations, administrators

Here, our starting point is always: the client himself knows and can do a lot and often already has coaching experience. The questions he comes with are the starting point for discussion and are often diverse:

  • How do I include my organisation in this change process?
  • How do I get my executive team more aligned / off the line?
  • I give a lot of energy to my employees, where do I get my energy from?
  • How do I properly deal with my Supervisory Board?
  • How do I put my organisation more on the map, make sure that contact with stakeholders is and remains strong.
  • What questions does this changing society pose to my organisation, to my way of leading/governing?


It is our experience that, depending on the questions, we act from different roles: sparring partner, contributor, thinker, different thinker, freshman, critic, relativist, etc. In the first meeting we discuss: what are we going to work on, how are we going to work on it, how often and how do we hold each other to these agreements? It is our experience that we work for between one and a half and two hours.


Gerda Nobel and Ineke Wikkerink, both registered supervisors with the LVSB (Landelijke Vereniging voor Supervisie en andere Begeleidingsvormen) and have a lot of (life) experience through their activities.